Efficiently Resolving Animal Law Disputes
Types of Animal Law Mediation
As courts have become overwhelmed with burgeoning caseloads, there has been increased pressure on disputants to seek resolution to their cases in a private pay mediation context. There are many forms of alternative dispute resolution, but the most common types are mediation, which includes facilitative, evaluative, and transformative, and arbitration, where the mediator is granted typically binding decision-making authority.
Animal Law Mediation
Benefits of mediation include lower cost and confidentiality. Those involved may have leniency to devise their own solution than in a court context. There is also a growing body of evidence that if a conflict is settled in a mediation context, the likelihood of compliance with the agreement is increased.
Barbara Gislason will serve as an animal law mediator for parties who agree to consider traditional property and contractual ownership claims, together with the best interests of both the humans and the animal involved. If you have already selected a mediator, Barbara is also willing to serve as your representative in the mediation process. In Barbara’s opinion, preparation for mediation, which is often ignored, is vital to a desirable outcome. She serves clients statewide, including in Anoka County, Hennepin County and Ramsey County.
Animal Law Arbitration
Particularly in family law, issues regarding the division of household goods, furnishings, and pet property are often not dealt with in the mediation process, and instead are referred to binding arbitration. If the parties agree to have Barbara serve as an arbitrator, and there is a Stipulation and Order signed by the court permitting her to serve in this capacity, she will provide services as a companion animal arbitrator.
Contact Us About Your Animal-Related Legal Dispute
Call the Twin Cities Law Office of Barbara J. Gislason in Anoka County at 763-220-2983 or email the firm to arrange a consultation.