Legal Guidance For Foster And Rescue Issues
When fostering or rescuing a dog, you may also assume legal responsibility for the dog’s behavior. As many foster and rescue dogs are sourced from puppy mills or neglected by prior irresponsible owners, taking in a rescue dog requires both great commitment and daily diligence. Make no assumption about whether the dog you have embraced could bite or attack another.
Unless you have had a long history with foster or rescue dogs or have a reliable favorable history about the dog you now have, it is best to behave as if you have a dog with unpredictable behavior. It is important for you to learn the body language of the dog in your care, including dropping her tail, raising his hackles, or baring her teeth. With knowledge, you will be better able to diffuse a situation. Become adept at reading the body language of dogs and humans to increase the odds of avoiding a dog fight. If your dog has a known history of aggression, you may be held to a higher duty than others. Be vigilant if you take the dog to a dog park.
If you have a foster or rescue dog that gets into trouble, it is wise to contact Barbara Gislason immediately. As an experienced animal lawyer, Barbara can make sure you know and understand your rights and obligations and those of the rescue organization or foster entity. She can also help you address insurance concerns and take whatever action is necessary to avoid becoming a criminal defendant. If you have already been charged, she can help you achieve a desirable outcome. Give Barbara a call to understand your rights if the companion animal or pet in your care gets into trouble. She represents clients statewide, including in Anoka County, Hennepin County and Ramsey County.
Animal Foster and Rescue Contracts
Foster and rescue groups vary considerably with regard to contractual obligations, so it is wise to bring your contract and any amendments thereto with you when meeting with Barbara. Contract provisions may affect the subject of civil liability and civil fines if a dog bite or injury occurs.
Barbara Gislason represents a variety of rescue groups and helps them develop internal procedures and methods that may reduce the likelihood of inconsistent or confusing communications to foster and rescue families. Barbara can help foster and rescue groups address how to improve their effectiveness as people come and go in these primarily volunteer-based entities. She helps her rescue and foster clients understand changing statutes and how judge made common laws affect legal outcomes. She also helps rescue and foster groups understand how the Uniform Commercial Code may impact them. On animal subjects, Barbara helps foster and rescue groups understand their legal rights and obligations. She also assists them in reviewing and revising their contracts and internal procedures if requested.
She helps rescue groups problem-solve when an animal has been surrendered and the foster or rescue group’s title or ownership of the pet or companion animal is challenged. There can be institutional challenges at the time of surrender as to whether a dog is owned, co-owned, lost, or abandoned. Barbara helps rescue and foster groups keep or acquire legal rights to a dog or another animal that has been cruelly treated, neglected, or abandoned. Her efforts are pioneering.
Utilizing a hands-on, common sense approach, Minnesota attorney Barbara J. Gislason deals with animal law legal disputes and helps rescue and foster groups, as well as foster and rescue families, understand their legal rights pertaining to animals and develop winning strategies.
Contact a Noted Animal Law Attorney
Call the Twin Cities Law Office of Barbara J. Gislason in Anoka County at 763-220-2983 or email the firm to arrange a consultation.